Magnificent landscape of melting Kenswat Lake in Xinjiang
  • Transparent ice with sun reflection on the melting Kenswat Lake resembles a dazzling sapphire in Manas County, north China's Uyghur Autonomous Region. (Photo: China News Service/Shi Yujiang)

  • Transparent ice with sun reflection on the melting Kenswat Lake resembles a dazzling sapphire in Manas County, north China's Uyghur Autonomous Region. (Photo: China News Service/Shi Yujiang)

  • Transparent ice with sun reflection on the melting Kenswat Lake resembles a dazzling sapphire in Manas County, north China's Uyghur Autonomous Region. (Photo: China News Service/Shi Yujiang)

  • Transparent ice with sun reflection on the melting Kenswat Lake resembles a dazzling sapphire in Manas County, north China's Uyghur Autonomous Region. (Photo: China News Service/Shi Yujiang)

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