Cultural Bridges: A BFSU scholar's journey at the Xinjiang Museum

2024-06-17source:People's Daily Online

As a doctoral student from Sri Lanka, I recently embarked on a research study tour in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, focusing on ethnic integration, Silk Road culture, and civilizational exchange and mutual learning. My journey took me to the Xinjiang Museum, where I delved into the region's rich history and culture.

This cultural trip not only shed new light on my academic pursuits but also deepened my appreciation for Xinjiang's diverse history and culture. By visiting in person, I gained a deeper understanding of the region's historical culture, ethnic customs, and modern achievements. This allowed me to form a more comprehensive and objective view of Xinjiang and to appreciate China in a more true, three-dimensional, and holistic way.

The Xinjiang Museum is like a portal to ancient civilizations, where each exhibition hall represents a chapter of old memories, guiding me through the mingling of ethnicities and cultures on this land. As I wandered through the halls, it felt as if I could hear history whispering and feel the breath of culture.

One exhibit area that showcased ethnic integration particularly captivated me. A stone monument, inscribed with Chinese, Uyghur, and other minority languages, symbolized not just cultural exchange but also the harmonious coexistence between different ethnic groups. It reminded me of my homeland, where harmonious coexistence is a shared belief despite linguistic differences.

The exquisite craftsmanship and unique style of Uygur dance costumes also struck me. They highlighted the unique charm of Xinjiang's culture and reflected the respect for history and tradition. It reminded me of other traditional costumes, each carrying deep cultural significance and stories.

This visit significantly enhanced my understanding of Xinjiang's history and culture. I realized that to truly understand a region, one must immerse oneself in its culture, experiencing and feeling it deeply. Xinjiang's historical depth and cultural richness were astounding, like a profound epic telling the tales of this land's transformations and glories.

This visit reinforced my belief that we all cherish history and diversity despite our different cultural backgrounds. This shared value helps us bridge cultural divides and connect spiritually. This cultural journey not only enriched my academic research but also deepened my respect for our shared human history and cultural diversity.

The author is an international student from Sri Lanka. He currently studies at the Beijing Foreign Studies University.

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