U.S. aims to curb China by destabilizing Xinjiang: Chinese FM spokeswoman


The U.S. has been attacking Chinese companies and politicizing normal business cooperation on the ground of disinformation. Its goal is to destabilize Xinjiang and use that to curb China, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Wednesday.

Mao made the remarks at the regular press conference when asked about her comment on the U.S. government's move of imposing sanctions on five Chinese companies for their role in alleged repression of the Uyghur people.

Facts have long disproved the “suppression” of Uyghur minorities in Xinjiang, is Mao said.

The U.S. needs to respect the facts, stop spreading disinformation, and stop suppressing Chinese companies on the ground of lies, she added. 

The spokeswoman noted that China will do everything necessary to protect the lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies.

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