Experts from China, abroad discuss transforming Xinjiang into global aviation hub


Over 500 experts from China and abroad convened in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region for a recent forum dedicated to advancing the region's transformation into a world-class international aviation hub and bolstering support for the Belt and Road Initiative.

The Second Urumqi International Aviation Hub Construction Forum, co-hosted by the China Air Transport Association and Xinjiang Airports Group, centered on the theme "Connecting Eurasia for Win-Win Cooperation, Enhancing Capacity Building for a High-Quality Hub".

Ma Xingrui, Party chief of the autonomous region, highlighted Xinjiang's strategic focus on creating a pivotal corridor to connecting Eurasia and serve as a key western gateway, propelling the high-quality development of the civil aviation sector since the inaugural forum held last year.

Han Jun, deputy head of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, underscored the establishment of an effective communication and collaboration framework between the administration and the region in recent years. Together, they have formulated a guideline to expedite the construction of the Urumqi International Aviation Hub and elevate the quality of civil aviation industry development in Xinjiang.

Pan Yixin, executive vice-chairman of the China Air Transport Association, emphasized the pivotal role of civil aviation in spearheading the core zone of the Silk Road Economic Belt, establishing the Eurasian Golden Corridor, and serving as the gateway for western expansion. He noted that the forum will offer enhanced policy support and strategic direction for domestic and international airlines, civil aviation manufacturers, support firms, and industry chain enterprises looking to invest in civil aviation development in Xinjiang and along the Belt and Road Initiative.

Recently, the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region jointly released a guideline aimed at expediting the construction of the Urumqi International Aviation Hub to foster high-quality development within Xinjiang's civil aviation industry.

The guideline underscores the fusion and reciprocal advancement of civil aviation with Xinjiang's economic and social progress. It prioritizes the establishment of a multi-tiered, multifunctional civil airport system with the Urumqi hub at its core and secondary hubs in cities such as Kashgar, Korla, Aksu, and Hotan.

Furthermore, the document delineates specific measures, including the creation of international air corridors connecting Urumqi to Central and Western Asia and Europe, as well as air service networks linking Xinjiang to urban clusters such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, the Greater Bay Area, and the Chengdu-Chongqing region. It also aims to establish aviation networks connecting southern and northern Xinjiang, facilitating seamless north-south air travel within the region.

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